Rabu, 22 Juli 2020

SOAL UKP + jawabannya

         1.         As a probable result of being in collision with your vessel, the other vessel involved is on fire? What are your responsibilities to the other vessel?
a.       After checking the extent of the damage and welfare of your crew, if possible your vessel should standby and offer assistance, until being relieved of that obligation by the other vessel.
b.      There is no statutory requirement to provide assistance as the actions of that vessel were the primary cause of the collision
c.       Your vessel should manoeuvre close to the other vessel and aid the fire fighting operation.
d.      You should inform the nearest Coast Radio Station of the incident and if your damage is not serious, continue on your voyage.
1.      *When the fire alarm signal is sounded every member of the ship's crew shall immediately proceed to their assigned fire station. Which one of the following signals is used as fire alarm signal on board cargo ships?
a.       Intermittent signals on the ship's alarm bells
b.      One long blast on the ship's whistle and alarm bells followed by seven short blasts
c.       Seven short blasts followed by one long blast on the ship's whistle and alarm bells
d.      Three short blasts followed by three long blasts, then followed by three short blasts on the ship's whistle and alarm bells
2.      An alarm signal consisting of seven short blast followed by one prolonged blast is sounded by the ship's whistle and alarm bells. What are you to do?
a.       Go to your lifeboat station
b.      Go to your fire station
c.       Report on the bridge (deck crew) or engine room (engine crew) for further orders
d.      Go to (or remain in) your cabin and await further orders
3.      An alarm signal consisting of seven short blasts followed by one long blast is sounded by the ship's whistle and the alarm bells. What are you to do?
a.       Go to your lifeboat station (muster station).
b.      Go to your fire station.
c.       Report on the bridge (deck crew) or engine control room (engine crew) for further orders.
d.      Go to (or remain in) your cabin and wait for further orders.
4.      Give the meaning of the following symbol:
a.       muster station
b.      muster station for families only
c.       muster station for unaccompanied minors (UM)
d.      gathering place for embarkation formalities
5.      Identify this symbol:
a.       Emergency generator?
b.      Fire glass door?
c.       Inertgas installation?
d.      Escape gate?
6.      If you detect a fire on board the ship, dependent on the situation, which of the following actions is the first to be taken?
a.       Raise the fire alarm.
b.      Try to kill the fire immediately by use of fire-extinguishers or other adequate appliances.
c.       Call the officer on duty.
d.      Check all nearby compartments for survivors.
7.      What alarm signal must be sounded by the alarm bells in case of fire?
a.       The signal which is stated in the muster list
b.      Series of short blasts
c.       One long blast followed by seven short blasts
d.      A continuous signal
8.      What is a contingency plan for ships?
a.       Plan for safety preparedness
b.      Plan for next voyage
c.       Loading plan for general cargo
d.      Plan for maintenance and repair
9.      What is the general emergency alarm signal as specified in SOLAS ?
a.       seven or more short blasts followed by one long blast
b.      three short blasts followed by three long blasts then three short ones
c.       one long blast followed by seven short blasts or more
d.      one long blast
10.  What is the meaning of this symbol ?
a.       Lifeboat
b.      Rescue boat
c.       Liferaft
d.      Davit-launched liferaft

11.  What is the meaning of this symbol ?
a.       Embarkation ladder
b.      Lower lifeboat to water
c.       Evacuation slide
d.      Davit-launched liferaft
12.  What is the meaning of this symbol ?
a.       Line-throwing appliance
b.      Rocket parachute flares
c.       Radar transponder
d.      Survival craft pyrotecnic distress signals
13.  What is the meaning of this symbol ?
a.       Fasten seat belts
b.      Secure hatches
c.       Release falls
d.      Start air supply
14.  What is the meaning of this symbol ?
a.       Lifebuoy with light and smoke
b.      Lifebuoy with line
c.       Lifebuoy with light
d.      Lifejacket
15.  What is the meaning of this symbol ?
a.       Lifejacket
b.      Child`s lifejacket
c.       Immersion suit
d.      Lifebuoy
16.  What shall you do if you see a person falling into the sea?
a.       Throw a lifebuoy over board and report to the bridge immediately.
b.      Launch a lifeboat.
c.       Put on a lifejacket.
d.      Run aft.

17.  What signal, if any, is specified in SOLAS as the "Abandon ship" signal ?
a.       the "Abandon ship" signal is not specified, only the general emergency alarm signal is stated
b.      six short blasts followed by one long blast
c.       seven short blasts followed by one long blast
d.      four long blasts
18.  When a fire breaks out in the accommodation, cargo holds or on deck, who is in charge of the fire fighting operations?
a.       The person who is designated in the muster list
b.      The chief officer
c.       The first officer arriving at the scene
d.      The first person arriving at the scene
19.  When a fire breaks out in the engine room, who is in charge of the fire fighting operations?
a.       The Chief Engineer
b.      The Captain
c.       The engineer on duty
d.      The first person to arrive at the scene
20.  When having a fire alarm during normal working hours, what immediate actions should be taken?
a.       Act according to instruction given in the fire plan.
b.      Start the fire pump, the sooner the better.
c.       Start searching for the fire to determine if it is in the engine room.
d.      Everybody gather in the safety centre.
21.  When mustered to an abandon ship drill, what is the first thing you do when entering the muster station?
a.       Put on a life jacket
b.      Report your presence
c.       Wait for orders
d.      Wait for the order to put on your life jacket
22.  When you join a new ship, how are you informed about safety rules, alarm instructions and your own duties in case of an emergency?
a.       By muster lists exhibited in conspicuous places
b.      By oral instructions by the Captain
c.       By folder distributed to each crewmember
d.      By alarm instructions in all crew cabins

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