Rabu, 22 Juli 2020


1.      What would be the most likely cause of a smell of "rotten eggs" in the upper casing of the engine room?A leak of exhaust gas from a boiler or diesel engine exhaust.
2.      Why is it necessary to carry out routine tests of the water in a diesel engine cooling water system?
a.       To check that the correct concentration of corrosion inhibitors are maintained.
b.      To check for the presence of contaminants in the system.
3.      After an engine following start up it is discovered that the start air pipe to one of the cylinders is hotter than normal. What is the likely cause of this problem?
a.       The air start valve for the cylinder is leaking or stuck open.
b.      The main air start automatic valve has not closed properly.
c.       The air start line flame trap for the cylinder is burning inside.
d.      The air start compressor cooling has failed.
4.      After cleaning some machinery components at sea, the engine watch rating is instructed to dispose the small amount of dirty diesel oil which is left. How should the dirty oil be disposed?
a.       Put it straight into the dirty oil tank for incineration at the next opportunity.
b.      Pour it into the engine room bilge so that it can be pumped through the oily water separator.
c.       Take it on deck and throw it overboard.
d.      Pour it into the diesel oil storage tank through the sounding pipe.
5.      An engine room rating is assisting the duty engineer during a period of UMS operation. After completing the tasks they leave the engine room which is returned to UMS mode. The rating realises that an oil tank filling valve has been left open. What action should be taken?
a.       Inform the duty engineer immediately so that the engine room can be re-entered and the valve can be shut.
b.      Re-enter the engine room straight away and shut the valve.
c.       Inform another crewmember that he is going back into the engine room to close the valve.
d.      Just leave the valve open as it is unsafe to enter the engine room alone. The high alarm will sound to notify the engineer when the tank is full.
6.      During bilge pumping operations the pump suction gauge indicates a high vacuum. What is the most likely cause of the high vacuum reading?
a.       A blocked bilge suction strainer.
b.      A hole in the suction line.
c.       Broken suction gauge.
d.      Leaking pump gland.
7.      How can water hammer be avoided when operating the valves and pumps in a cooling water system?
a.       Operate valves slowly
b.      Start pump with closed valves
c.       Start the pump with open valves
d.      Operate valves quickly
8.      The engine rating on watch finds the level of the diesel engine jacket water header tank well below normal. After topping up the tank and checking around the engine, a leak is found. What action should be taken?
a.       Try and quickly stop the leak and then inform the engineer on watch of what has happened.
b.      Leave the filling valve open a little bit to make up for the leakage.
c.       Check the tank and top it up more frequently.
d.      Put a bucket under the leak and refill the header tank with the water that collects in the bucket to save water.
9.      The engine room rating has been assisting with ballast operations during a period of engine room watch duty. Ballast operations have stopped for a couple of hours while stores are being taken. What action should the rating take during this break in operations?
a.       Stop all of the ballast pumps and close all of the ballast valves as soon as operations are stopped. Ballast lines should always be closed except when they are being used.
b.      Just keep the pumps running and the valves for the ballast tanks open to save time when operations are restarted. The tanks will just overflow through the air vents.
c.       Just stop the pumps and close the pump suction and discharge valves. Leave the valves for the ballast tanks open to save time later.
d.      Shut the valves for the ballast tanks but keep the pumps running and discharging overboard to save time later.
10.  What action should be taken if it is noticed a quantity of oil on the engine room tank top?
a.       Notify the duty engineer and try and find the cause of the leakage so that it can be stopped and the oil cleaned up.
b.      Apply foam to the tank top to minimise any risk of fire.
c.       Start the fire pump and wash the oil into the bilges.
d.      Open the overboard valve and start the bilge pump.
11.  What is the main difference between a stuffing box gland and a mechanical seal on a centrifugal pump?
a.       If packing fails the pump can be kept running by tightening the glands, but if a mechanical seal fails it must be renewed to stop the leakage
b.      Packed stuffing box glands are subject to wear but mechanical seals are not
c.       Packed stuffing box glands must be cooled by liquid, but mechanical seals do not require any cooling
d.      The sealing surface of a mechanical seal is usually parallel to the shaft, but sealing surface of a packed gland is perpendicular to the shaft

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