Rabu, 22 Juli 2020

soal dan jawaban UKP dan pra UKP

1.      Crewmen are carrying out maintenance work in the engine room on overtime. The work does not affect machinery operation. At the end of normal working hours, what should the Engineer on Duty do?Continue with manual operated engine room until the maintenance work is finished.
2.      During a routine check of one of the auxiliary engines in an UMS operated engine room, a minor leakage on a high pressure fuel pipe is observed. What would be the appropriate action and/or precaution to be taken? (Assume normal operation; 2 gen sets operating and 1 on standby)Inform the Chief Engineer and the Bridge. Change over to manual mode, switch over generators and repair the fault before returning to UMS mode.
3.      During an unmanned period on a UMS vessel the "low water level" alarm for the jacket cooling water system expansion tank activates. What action would you take as duty engineer?Answer the alarm, top up the tank and check the system for leakage before resuming unmanned operation.
4.      During UMS rounds at night during a sea passage the duty engineer discovers the main engine lube oil pump starter "chattering" loudly. What is the correct action to be taken?Switch over to the other pump and inform the CE of the noise immediately. Keep engine room manned.]
5.      If the oil content high alarm is actuated on an automatic oily water separator what should the resulting action be?Overboard discharge valve should close automatically.
6.      In accordance with SOLAS and other international regulations, certain important machinery functions, such as operation and control of the steering gear and propulsion machinery, must be tested at specified times. When should these tests be carried out?Prior to arrival and departure from port and following maintenance.
7.      Is it necessary to cool the samples taken from a diesel engine cooling water system before carrying out tests to determine the concentration of treatment chemicals?Yes, the samples should be cooled to approximately 25 C.
8.      The bilge holding tank level is being reduced by discharging through the OWS. What action should be taken when the oil/water interface in the holding tank is reached?Stop the OWS and pump the oil to the incinerator tank.
9.      The duty engineer notices that there is full flow through overflow line observation glass to the fuel oil overflow tank. What action should be taken?Stop all F.O. transfers and other fuel operations immediately and check all fuel tank levels..
10.  What action should the Duty Engineer take when entering an UMS-mode operated engine room due to an alarm or due to a scheduled routine check?Notify the Bridge and switch the UMS selector switch to manual mode and engage the "dead man alarm"

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