Rabu, 22 Juli 2020


1.      What is the main purpose of a heat exchanger in a cooling water system?
a.       To transfer heat from one fluid to another
b.      To maintain a steady pressure in the system
c.       To reduce engine room temperature
d.      To reduce water turbulence
2.      What is the normal indication that an oil filter is becoming blocked?
a.       The pressure drop across the filter.
b.      Low pressure in the system.
c.       Visual inspection of the filter elements.
d.      High temperature of the oil.
3.      What is the normal maximum oil content permitted for machinery space bilge overboard discharge via OWS equipment?
a.       15 ppm
b.      100 ppm
c.       50 ppm
d.      Zero ppm
4.      What should be the first indication the engine room watchkeepers get that there is oil or water leakage in the engine room?
a.       They should see it on the tank top or in the bilge well during regular inspections.
b.      Bilge alarm should sound
c.       A low level alarm should sound for one of the oil or water tanks.
d.      They should hear the bilge pump start up automatically.
5.      What term is used to describe a fresh water cooling system which contains a seawater cooled common freshwater cooler and which meets the cooling requirements for all the engine room machinery?
a.       A central cooling system
b.      A low temperature freshwater system
c.       A common cooling system
d.      A high temperature freshwater system
6.      What would be the most probable cause of an increase in cooling water temperature for all cylinders of a diesel engine?
a.       Fouling of the jacket water cooler.
b.      Fouling of the lubricating oil cooler.
c.       Low level in the header tank for the jacket system.
d.      Fouling of the charge air cooler.
7.      What would be the most probable cause of high temperature readings for the bearings in a diesel engine?
a.       Lubricating oil pressure too low.
b.      Charge air pressure too low.
c.       Water in the fuel oil.
d.      Jacket cooling water temperature too high.
8.      What would you do if you are told to operate a piece of mechanical equipment which you are not familiar with?
a.       Seek advice from your superior before attempting to operate it.
b.      Ensure that all safety guards and devices are disconnected.
c.       Try and guess how the equipment should be operated.
d.      Ignore the request to operate the equipment.
9.      Which of the following pump types will normally require a separate means of priming?
a.       Centrifugal pump
b.      Screw pump
c.       Gear pump
d.      Reciprocating pump
10.  Which of the following statements regarding a centrifugal pump is correct?
a.       It is important that the rotation direction is correct to avoid dry running.
b.      A centrifugal pump is always fitted in a vertical position.
c.       A centrifugal pump is always self priming.
d.      Under normal operation the fluid being pumped discharges from the centre of the impeller.
11.  Which statement is true in relation to the operating parameters for a marine diesel engine?
a.       The normal temperature of the lub oil after the cooler is approximately 45 C.
b.      The jacket cooling water enters the engine at the cylinder cover at approximately 70 C and exits at the bottom of the cylinder liner.
c.       The minimum scavenge air temperature is 60 C to avoid condensate forming in the charge air cooler
d.      The normal temperature of the lub oil after the cooler is approximately 65 C.
12.  While assisting the watchkeeper with routine cleaning of the fuel oil separator the watch rating is requested to clean the plate stack. Which one is the preferred method for this task?
a.       Soak the plates in a suitable solvent until all of the dirt has loosened off and wipe clean with rags.
b.      With the plate stack in position fill the purifier bowl with clean diesel oil and quickly switch it on and off to wash the plates.
c.       Soak the dirty plates in a solvent for an hour and then stand them on the engine room deck to drain off.
d.      Scrape the plates as clean as possible with a packing knife and then wash them with a high pressure water hose.
13.  While on watch, an engine room rating notices a leak from the gland of a running seawater pump. What action should be taken?
a.       Inform the engineer officer of the watch so that the pump can be changed over and the gland can be repacked.
b.      Remove the pump guard and tighten up the gland while the pump is still running to see that the leak stops.
c.       Change over the pumps and tell his relief at the end of the watch.
d.      Place some jointing in way of the leak to direct the water into the bilge to stop it being sprayed around by the rotating shaft.
14.  While trying to deballast a double bottom tank problems are encountered getting suction on the ballast pump, a centrifugal pump mounted above the tank top. What action can be taken to solve the problem?
a.       Prime the pump with seawater from the main inlet valve.
b.      Disconect the manometer pipe to get rid of an air pocket .
c.       Close the discharge valve.
d.      Repeatedly start and stop the pump until it gets suction.
15.  Why is it important that all the system valves are closed after completing bilge or ballast pumping operations?
a.       To avoid accidental intake of water into the engine room in case of valve or pipeline failure.
b.      To make sure the valves do not seize in the open position.
c.       To keep the pump housing full of fluid.
d.      It isn't important how the valves are left after pumping operations are completed.

1.      What actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship's steering gear fails?
a.       All of the suggested answers
b.      Display the NUC signal and consider stopping the engines
c.       Request the engine room to check the steering gear
d.      Call the Master and advise him of the situation
2.      What can be used to reduce the effect of the state of sea-waves?
a.       Vegetable / Fish Oil
b.      Foam
c.       Fuel Oil
d.      Crude Oil
3.      What immediate actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship goes aground on an uncharted shoal in the middle of the ocean?
a.       Stop engines and call the Master
b.      Stop engines and immediately request "Full Astern"
c.       Stop engines and tell the engine room to switch over to high suctions
d.      Sound the General Alarm and plot the ships position
4.      What special equipment can often provide assistance in locating a survival craft or man overboard and in the water?
a.       A SART
b.      A RACON
c.       AIS
d.      A sectored search pattern
5.      Which method is used to make a physical connection between a rescue vessel and a wreck?
a.       Rocket line
b.      Heaving line
c.       Sputnik line
d.      Cosmos line

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